☝️ Pitch

If you have ever tried to organize a potluck through text messages, online to-do lists or spreadsheets, you'll understand why this app is essential.

In the world of social gatherings and potlucks the "Potluck Planner" is king. This is your place for all things pot luck.


  1. As an organizer I can create an upcoming potluck and invite my friends to attend

  2. As an organizer I can adjust dates, times and locations of the potluck

  3. As an organizer I can use the list feature in my app to add food items that we'd like to see at the potluck

  4. As a guest to a potluck I want to be able to confirm that I'm going to the upcoming event

  5. As a guest I'd like to be able to select which items I'd like to be responsible for bringing

NOTE: All of the user stories above should only require a single user type. Users can create "potlucks" and add other users to them.

🏃‍♀️ Stretch

  1. Add a reminders functionality that allows users to link up their upcoming dates to their Google calendar.

  2. Ability to upload multiple photos from the potluck gathering, like a photo gallery for a past event.

The Essentials

Full Time Schedule and Milestones

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Git for Build Sprint

Getting Set Up

How to set up Trello board for Build Weeks

How to setup Github Organization for Build Weeks

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